couple in bed

Essential Tips for Men to Improve Sexual Performance

You aren’t alone if you want to maintain sexual activity all night. Many people need ways to improve their sexual performance, including new ways to make their partner happy or improve existing problems. Besides the best male enhancement pills, you can use simple methods to last longer without visiting the pharmacy. Keep reading to learn ways to improve your sexual performance.

Focus on Foreplay

foreplaySome men believe penetration is the defining part of sex. However, those suffering erectile dysfunction can be heartened to learn that you don’t need an erection to satisfy a partner. Foreplay may include kissing, oral sex, and kissing.

Making foreplay last improves the sexual experience, especially for women. In addition, consider getting enough sleep. This is because sleep patterns help the body release sex hormones. If you rush and force yourself, it can inadvertently decrease your lasting time. The secret is to take your time as you want when with your partner.

Use the Start-Stop Technique

Men that want to last longer can use the start-stop technique. To use the method, you stop sexual activity when ejaculation feels imminent. Then, you breathe deeply and begin again slowly, stopping again to delay your ejaculation as long as possible. This technique trains your body to hold ejaculation to feel comfortable during intense sex.

Try Something New

Sexual pleasure thrives with excitement and passion. If you’ve been with your partner for some time, sex can feel routine, and it may increasingly become challenging to please them, feel excited, and remain focused. You can try new sex positions or have sex in different locations. Also, discussing your sexual fantasies makes intercourse more exciting.

In addition, you can masturbate. If you don’t last long enough in bed, you need some practice. Although the best way to practice is by having more sex, masturbation also helps to improve longevity. However, the way you masturbate can have a detrimental impact.

Pay Attention to Your Partner

intimateSex is not a one-way street. When you pay attention to your partner’s desires, it makes sex pleasurable for them and helps you slow down. Discussing this beforehand can ease awkwardness if you want to slow down during heated moments. Focusing on your partner as you take a break can make your experience more enjoyable.

Sexual dysfunction can be embarrassing and concerning, but such issues are treatable and common. You can improve your sexuality by visiting certified sex therapists, trying different lifestyle changes, and openly communicating with your partner.