erectile dysfunction

Natural Remedies for Male Impotence

Male impotence falls into the category of sexual dysfunction, namely of faults that affect one or more mechanisms involved in the sexual response cycle, which desire, excitement and orgasm.

erection pillsSexual dysfunction, and consequently those erectile, multifactorial disorders are determined both by biological causes, neurological, hormonal, vascular, or muscle, but also psychological and social, causing personal distress and interpersonal difficulties.

Also, impotence does not have a negative effect only on the sexual life, but it is easy to see, it can cause stress, depression, and low self-esteem. In some cases, always under medical supervision, you can resort to some natural remedies for erection problems. They include:


L-arginine is an essential amino acid present in our body because it is introduced with the diet. It is the molecular precursor of nitric oxide (NO2), which acts on the muscles of the blood vessels, the endothelium, causing their relaxation, which, at the level of the male genitals, has the effect of promoting and determining erection in physiological conditions. It is therefore provided as a dietary supplement in individuals with erectile dysfunction.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

male enhancement pillsDehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone naturally produced by the body and also synthesized in the laboratory. DHEA is the precursor of androgens and estrogens, and for this reason, its intake is proposed against sexual dysfunction as well as food and dietary supplements that contain it, such as wild yam and soy. Some studies have highlighted the benefits that patients with erection problems have had following the intake of this hormone after a continuous intake for 6 months.

Panax Ginseng

Panax Ginseng is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Araliaceae family, also called Red Ginseng or natural Viagra. Several studies have shown that when taken in doses between 600 and 1000 mg three times a day, it can be effective in treating erectile dysfunction. It is believed that ginsenosides, extracted from the roots of ginseng plants, act at the cellular level to improve male performance. They have an anti-inflammatory action, improve lung function and blood flow. The action of Panax Ginseng appears more effective in subjects with a high blood lipid concentration and in those with metabolic syndrome.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is a medicinal plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family. Rhodiola Rosea has an energizing and invigorating effect, especially in preparing the body to endure fatigue, raising the tolerance threshold, and is also aphrodisiac, acting on the causes that generate anxiety, restores libido, and stimulates sexual desire, also thanks to the better blood circulation of the genital areas. In men, it can therefore solve problems due to performance and erection anxiety.