Simple Ways to Clean Your Sex Toys
Who can’t deny the fact that we just toss our sex toy and simply just lay back down while enjoying the full afterglow we’ve got? Okay, that’s great. But once you’re completely awake, note that cleaning your sex toys is that thing you can’t skip. The bodily fluids you and your partner produce during sex can make your sex toys such perfect vessels for harboring bacteria. The bacteria aren’t the only thing that will be there if you choose not to clean yours. Read more about it at Sex Toy Guide and Reviews. In fact, getting an infection should never be on your possibility list.
Just before we start the guide, be sure you know your sex toys. Some are made from porous materials, while others are from nonporous materials. Just like the name suggests, porous toys have holes on the surface. So sticking to some mild soap and warm water does the work fine. On the other hand, when it comes to nonporous toys, which usually include 100% silicone and even glass materials, it’s way easier to clean them as you just need to sanitize them in boiling water. To go even further, read on. We’re going to share simple ways to keep your sex toys in good hygiene here.
Sex Toy Cleaners
First, let’s get a bit fancy. Well, it’s not that fancy by any means, but if you’re always looking for a certified way, using sex toy cleaners is a great option to clean your sex props. As mentioned, there are two types of sex toys, porous and nonporous. Lucky for you, there are more specific sex toy cleaners, depending on the product you have. It makes more precision cleaning needs in handling each type of sex toy. So just read the label and see if the ingredients suit your sex toy cleaning needs.
Liquid Soap and Water
Just like how you clean other devices or tools, soap (preferably antibacterial soap) and water are already a perfect combo to get your sex toys squeaky clean. This combo is perfect for porous and nonporous toys. Though no science suggests it, be sure to use mild soap without any added scents, antiseptics, and high alcohol concentrations. In fact, this combo wash will do the job just fine for motorized toys. Just be sure to remove the batteries and clean the toys properly.
Boiling Water
Grab your boiling pot of water, as you’ll find it extra helpful for your sex toys. But first, be sure your sex toys are 100% silicone, glass, or stainless steel. Just put your sex toys in the boiling pot of water, and wait for 3 to 5 minutes. Voila, the sanitization process is done. However, note that you should never use this method on any soft, plastic, jelly-like materials as they will simply melt down inside the pot.
UV Light Cleaning
For those aiming for a more precise way to kill all the germs and rub off the gunk from your sex props, investing in a UV sterilizer is always a good move. These gadgets simply use UV light tech to sanitize the props by killing the bacteria on the surface. So note that you may expect some leftover dust or fluid on the toys’ surfaces. But simply wiping them away after the UV light cleanup should be just fine.
Your sex toys probably are the MVP of your daily sexual needs. So it’s more than important to make sure you properly clean them. If it’s going to be your first time, you can just go back to the manuals for cleaning advice. Most products make it details on how to clean the toys. Again, knowing how to clean and store your sex toys properly will lead to healthy and exciting sex life. After all, cleanliness and hygiene are what all matter the most.