What Causes Low Libido in Men?
Men suffering from condition are known for having low interest in sex. They have a low interest rate that does not match that of their partners. Low libodo is a common issue that concerns many people. It is sometimes an indication of deteriorating health conditions. Outlined here below are the main cause of this condition.
Low testosterone
This is one of the essential male hormones. Testicles produce it. It is the hormone responsible for stimulating the production of sperms and building bone and muscle mass. The sex drive or a person is mainly determined by the levels of this hormone. Individuals who are having a low testosterone level that is low 350ng/dl are known for having a low sex drive. It mainly decreases with age. However, a decreased libido is reported when there is a drastic drop in this hormone. You should consult a doctor when such an issue arises. Taking supplements can also help you in increasing the testosterone levels.
This is a health condition that affects nearly all the aspect of life. Individuals who are depressed are known for lacking interest in various activities that are pleasurable including sex. Drugs used in fighting this condition also known for decreasing libido. Your dose should be adjusted to address these side effects.
Being distracted by periods or situations of high pressure can decrease your sexual desire. Stress is known for disrupting the levels of hormones in the body. For instance, it can lead to narrowing down of the arteries thereby decreasing the flow of blood to the major organs. Such people are more likely to develop sexual problems as compared to those who are stress-free.
Young men have higher levels of sex hormones as compared to the old ones. Old people take long to become aroused ejaculate and have orgasms. Their erections are not as hard as those of the young men. Their penises also take a long time to become erect. Many medications have been developed to address and treat these issues.
Understanding the underlying issue is the effective method of treating low libido. Sometimes the doctor might even advise you to switch medications. Sometimes this condition is caused by psychological issues, individuals who have been affected these issues are advised to visit a healthcare professional or a therapist for counselling.
Chronic illness
Some of the chronic health conditions that affect libido include pain and diseases such as cancer. These illnesses are known for reducing the sperm count. People having chronic illness should talk with their partners to find a solution. They should consider visiting a sex therapist or a marriage counsellor.…
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